[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

I don’t have a useful night action N1.

Mode / Italy lynch is ‘yeah, I guess that’s a good idea’ territory
If I had to choose between them I’d go italy

Claim anyways you’re gonna die either way and I’d like to know what you are

And light?

Claims mean nothing, I’m well aware you’re just doing this so you can shoot me.

surprised by lack of italy wagon despite that being the easiest to make a case for
other main wagons make some sense to exist

An Italy lynch I’m meh with. Not good, but not necessarily bad.

I haven’t read light for more than three seconds
I’m going to read them eventually, but idrc for now

I switched back to Light.

light wagon has person I dislike in TL
mode wagon feels kind of off with mole/dat on it (light is just self pres)

Solic being off wagon is noteworthy and makes me hate the slot more because they’re going on an easy to hate slot
The vibe I get is that there’s been very little direction after the flips
makes me think wolves are making their rounds on thread but don’t feel need to push anything too seriously

most people on the main wagons are kinda good

Light is probs being bussed

Geyde you’re scum with light aren’t you

That could very well be although something tells me that there’s a possibility that the wolves are pushing Mode to save Light. As to why this could be with both of them being scum is that I’m guessing that there’s one of two possibilities.

  1. That light has the better night ability and/or is their leader.
  2. That they know that Derps can’t flavorvig Light but can flavorvig Mode.

I feel that the first possibility is more likely though.

Event 2:

Type /In to in


1.Trustworthy Liberal

Geyde your takes on my posts have been bad this game and i am no where near the worst person you’ve seen in thread that is a blantent lie and you know it.

And i already said why i have low wim and its a combination of two reasons. A my day 1 is Shit 90% of the time B. you all have roles made for you to look for and i don’t at all which put me mroe down then i thought it would.

However i am still playing am no where near not helping and have been activly giving my ever changing thoughts that are just that D1 changing thoughts if you expected me to haev a set read that doesn’t change on D1 thats not realistic to my play style.



