[Minimash] Community Forum Mafia 2 - (5/9/31) - Game Over - ModeShifter (Alice) Wins!

additional ITA shoot

ooo additional ITA shot

Wdym, like over time?

Nothing aorn. They barely interacted.

should I go for the dayvig?

Also I detested his interactions with Ici as well as they felt overly friendly when compared to N’s general tone with the rest of the thread.

I miscleared n.1 back in NDFM for them pushing hard away from math

How much emotion do they show? W/W theater usually hardly fakes emotion.

Eevee has told me that I misunderstood things and it’ll only tell me if they have more or less likes than I do.

I haven’t detected any agenda from Solic this game. His annoyance over Seth’s wagon seems genuine as the lack of resistance should have been a warning sign something was up.

What the heck. /Cop hippo to see his likes.

it was pretty tame actually

I think my thought was me projecting

Idk maybe u could learn them since they are there even if redacted. Just dumb thought i had

…why cop Hippo?

It just tells me if he has more or less likes than I do.

It’d be better to use it on a wolfy player so if they have few likes you’ll know if they’re a good ITA target or not.

1 Like

Which makes it useless to me because I already know what the answer will be just by how many likes I.have.

im prolly just gonna neighbor someone i trust and we can talkz or something

Alice, with how many likes I have, the answer would very likely be the same no matter who I checked.

Ok don’t discuss this further thanks

Hello Sulit. Who are your town reads so far?