Minority Rule 6: Easter and Passover (Pesach) Edition Celeste And NozBugz Wins!



Box he called your name.
Wonder why… also wonder why he put a quote there.

Who’s bo-…
Oh. Ok. That helps.

Yes? I confirmed in the PM as well.

But now we can angleshoot your confirmation

In a game with no angleshooting lel

What’s angle-shooting?

This fancy word I have no idea means D:

Let me Google that for you

its when you shoot a wall in an fps such that it bounces off and kills someone

The game will start soon. It seems a lot of games are at breaks and I feel like starting so we will. No one else joined since 16 so these will be the teams. To be honest, I don’t care if you did not confirm. You signed up so you are playing this game. Let me RNG the rooms and stuff and we will begin shortly.


Biggest overstatement of your life

No rude just love

These are the rooms that will be used in this round of Minority 6. There are 7 of them so choose wisely. May the RNG be with you. (A lot of RNG in this round). Good luck Have fun hopefully see you in the next round.

Betrayal - If this room is tied for the minority, it gains infinite picks and becomes the majority.
Purity - Everyone who picks this loses all statuses.
Earth - A random picker becomes heavy.
Egg :egg::egg: Testament of God - A random picker becomes a Moses. All other pickers become infected with the 10 Plagues
Luck - If this room is the majority, then one random picker will survive. If this is not the majority, then one random picker will die.
Mystery - Everyone who picks this is given a random status. They are not informed which status they received.
Illusion - This room takes the effect of another secret item before the start of the round.

Please respond in the private message. But you are able to talk here to decieve the other players.

The results will be revealed in 24 hours or until everyone posted there results and their team’s results.


Nozbugz has gained Grinch for being the only one on their team unless another person would like to join and be on their team.

why couldnt you just use the normal names?

Some of the names are normal and some of them are festive.

the christmas version used normal names for everything that is normally in the game

Stahp backseat hosting. I host how i want to host.