Minority Rule 6: Easter and Passover (Pesach) Edition Celeste And NozBugz Wins!

If he had healthy, he could pick a minority


It’s like if you don’t eat u

common sense it you eat you probably won’t die of that.

Purity, Healthy, and Moses all are ways to escape blending in.


@Sam17z When is next room open

Will make them soon!!

Hey I’m not the only busy one


Hey that’s my thing

What is soon?

Round 4 Choices

Evil - All pickers becomes infected with the 10 Plagues.

Murder - One random picker becomes a Barbaric Roman.

Protection - All pickers are immune to death this round for any reason other than the majority. A random picker becomes a bodyguard.

Good Luck Have fun. The faster you choose the faster the results go out.


Btw, If the BG, Barbaric Roman, and a regular person got to splitting the sea (or any place that does not count as the majority) The BG will die 100% unless they have an effect of some sort. Think about this when you are making your decision

At least 3 people will die, so this is guaranteed to be the last room.

Shhh, let people think for themselves. Only I could reveal some information

Actually only 2 since Insanity is blending in.

So there might be one more round.

He is blending but how will he survive the majority if he picks it. There is only 1 option that would be best for Insanity.

This is a rhetorical statement (I could give information but no one could reply to this. )

But then Blending in is a death sentence :thinking:

So Insanity only has 1 option here.

Btw, no one has saint/grinch status so if you pick majority. YOU LOSE