Minority Rule 6: Easter and Passover (Pesach) Edition Celeste And NozBugz Wins!


then you should be able to survive majority with blending in

Tell that to the people who run minority. And do the edits and stuff.

Thing is losing due to this makes me salty and for good reason, I did what my status told me to do and I lost that round for doing what I was told?”

Should have went to protection.

That’s incorrect. The game is a tie.

If you pick the Majority with Blending in, you do not die.


You MUST pick the Majority or you will die. NozBugz should be counted as a winner as well.


in case you need proof

That works lmao

Good game guys

I’ll take imaginary second place

You do, with Insanity at least

Yeah Noz wins too

I would never have gone Murder btw

So I still lose but at least I survived lol

Insanity was just reskinned into blending in. Seems like he realized this and edited Noz into the title

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For some reason this ping never reached me…?

Game would have not ended if you had gone protection or evil tbh
maybe calling it early was a bit silly?
You Celeste and Noz would have all lived.

I would have no eggs

It would be unlikely for me to win

It’s fine

Fair enough

Because you made an identical alt with an i instead of an L so noone else could do it lol

Do I sense salt :thinking: