Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

RNG told me to go for dice.
And as soon as it happened, I chose dice and told Marl I was probably dead.

It’s great :slight_smile:
RNG Cult ftw, we die together… we literally just die together.
I would’ve said “We live together we die together”

But look where that’s brought us.

if it makes you feel better Geyde

I originally rnged into divide and then switched to dice for fun

gut told me to go back

Acting against the wishes of RNG isn’t based
It’s cringe

Why would you want to be cringe

Damn shame they didn’t, I liked life

i feel blessed to die in the same room as the rng prophet

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Five rooms Appear before you! (Or Six if you’re freaky)

Illusion - This room takes the effect of another secret room before the start of the round.
Rejuvinate :tangerine: - Everyone who picks this becomes healthy.
Ritual - All pickers get the soulbound status.
Mundane - This room literally does nothing.
Luck - If this room is the majority, then one random picker will survive. If this is not the majority, then one random picker will die.
[Duplicate] - Takes the effect of the room with the most pickers (at the time this room activates).

The tangerine room will be…

@discobot roll 1d6


:game_die: 2

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( @Katze ping everyone nobody post until he does)



You may now post!

like i was saying


Just get better RNG 4head

Right, everyone into luck

also poggy other than me having livicus on a list twice no errors that round

whoever’s a cultist they’re so lucky

likely dupes into rejuvenate

farewell brother

Everyone on this list was too smart for their own good, we were playing 8d chess when it was only 7d

Okay RNG, let’s do the thing