Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

now it’s a real mash

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Shoot Marshal

Hint: I chose the Murder room. Mwahahaha! So please no one else pick it.

my thing isn’t loading new posts at all unless I manually refresh jfc


Party at the muder room it seems


chloe give me likes

party indeed

Cop9 Turbo Game Thread Start


  1. Chloe
  2. PKR
  3. Marl
  4. Geyde
  5. Conduit
  6. TL
  7. Katze
  8. Nutella
  9. Light

Day 1 begins and ends in 15 minutes at :40. Ping me for all votes. Maj not on d1. All PMs handed out. Cop does get n0

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omg guys marshal accidentally sent me the scumteam in my PM :flushed::flushed::flushed:

this is the least committal response you could have possibly given and now im even more worried

party party party

/vote light

you’re about to get denied

n0 pkr

/vote geyde

Actually if I just ask for free likes how many will I get.


n0 conduit


/vote katze

frozen wolf :roll_eyes:

n0 Chloe red or Geyde Green


Light - Geyde
Geyde - Chloe
Kat - Conduit

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