Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

claim singular

Bro I’m not mutant.
I really don’t know what you’re talking about.

I mean
theres the problem of the false widow claim
this is solved if Wind is Goblin

who are you

body unclear

1 Like

widow can self-poison? geez

  1. No clue
  2. Just a random furry dude
  3. No clue, I cannot remember

You are not in this game. But I appreciate the #Comedy.

Go check???

but I wasnt goblin lol
you keep pushing the narrative that I have to be evil

Nightingale goes to the Storyteller.

this clocktower game has lasted ages jesus.

if they do, then nobody is told about the Widow

He is in this game, just not your minigame in this game :^)

LuF in a nutshell

oh I didn’t know lol

LuF is meant to last longer than most Teensies
that’s… the point

so much for a turbo amirite

it’s a turbo :^)

I got no answer :^) :^)