Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

The cop doesn’t turn insane.
They come up with No Result, not red or green

if it’s reversed then that’s practically knowing
isn’t it always guilty?


“doctor always be on me”
“This guy is green which means he’s mafia”

wait no they come up with Mafia

since they’re paranoid

this is also a variant thats probably fine
as long as it breaks follow the cop

okay we’ve sorted it

they don’t turn insane, they turn paranoid which makes their results mafia

My Turbo Rolelist

Mafia Roleblocker
Mafia Goon
Mafia Goon
Town Cop (If Targeted by the Doctor their results will be reversed)
Town Tracker
Town Compulsive Doctor
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town

  1. clonedcheese
  2. PKR
  3. ArcticXI
  4. Appelsiini
  5. EliThePsycho
  6. Intensify

anyway we need more people

Ok so Cop always gets Red if targetted by Doc?


Town - If they select Town.
Mafia - If they’re targeted by Doctor or select Mafia.
No Result - If they’re roleblocked.

You forgot to add that to the rolelist it still says results reversed

My Turbo Rolelist

Mafia Roleblocker
Mafia Goon
Mafia Goon
Town Cop (If Targeted by the Doctor their result will come up as Mafia)
Town Tracker
Town Compulsive Doctor
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town

  1. clonedcheese
  2. PKR
  3. ArcticXI
  4. Appelsiini
  5. EliThePsycho
  6. Intensify

okay anyway we need 5 more people

Btw does Cop still receive guaranteed Red if they are targeted by the Doctor but Doctor is occupied?

No since Doctor can’t “protect” them



TOL terminology

nvm we got games to play in 9 mins.


I’ll probably host this turbo next time I get time or literally host it on the forums and not on here

turbo cancelled, I’ll try again one day :^)

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