Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

Oh yeah right that is true.

Does everyone see what status condition everyone has?

Betrayal is like good 90% of the time but sometimes you just haha lose

I’m guessing there will be WIFOM about status conditions so people can fakeclaim
so if someone fakeclaims being heavy
and the real heavy player doesn’t out
they just send everyone else to their deaths lol

people have level 2 thoughts

Statuses are publicly revealed (except for when mystery takes effect)

do we learn what everyone picked

ah ok ok
never mind then, we can all run from the heavy player

I think we do judging from previous games

yeah everything is publicly revealed (room picks, statuses, etc.)

unironically picking something among the bottom 4 I posted btw

I’ve just convinced myself to go betrayal cya loosers

Multiply is a neat pick tbh as long as you claim to head into it.


I am now obtain Tangerine

Everyone out here tryina be deceiving and sly and im just

Chillin’ in Life being a trustworthy individual :cowboy_hat_face:

oh btw the room with a tangerine next to it gives you one tangerine

player with most tangerines will win tiebreakers

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What if Life isn’t Life

Mvp right here

Thanks, friend

I have abandoned the Murder gang I want a tangerine

eeby deeby

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Cent trying to kill all of us I see