Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

Basically how everyone probably thinks about his youtube

Ok so we’ve known each other for awhile right?


I’m here to interview you to be like the super dooper Mod
My must loyal mod yes!


So first things first, if Seth AKA me joins your game what do you say?


Next question.

If someone breaking rule what you do?

Punish them


If someone is known to be toxic what do you do?

Redirect them to the toxic queue


What ugh is your opinion on me?

Hmm. Cool I guess

Yes I am cool! Thank yeah!

No Problem!

So what’s your username?

Shroomboom I’m part of your Skylander cult thing

Nice! Ok and ugh another thing is if another staff members mentions me you come to me and tell me everything about it ok?


Another quick question how many mafia games have you played and won?


And won?


Nice! Your good!

Thank You!

Ok so ugh congratulations I’ll announce you as new Mod later today.

Sounds Great!



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thank you seth
very cool

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Is this a fanfiction of Seth getting mod

Oh God no


Seth was mod beforehand

I love it
it’s so imaginative

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who does this remind me of

probably no one

I see

“do you wanna be a mod”
“uh sure”
“no you don’t”
“welcome to the team”


This is someone else getting modded by Seth

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Seth seems to be the person in non-bold

I’m collecting these posts and selling the rights to hollywood

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Min Is watching afar with binoculars in their hands. They’re getting prepared to write the ultimate scoop, the one of a lifetime. He opens up his shitty iPhone6s that’s hanging on from a thread, and texts seth.

hey seth

Hello min, why are you messaging me? Are you going to ban me from your games too?

no seth, I’m not. In fact, me and you are going to get revenge on everyone else who has done you wrong. All I ask is for you to agree to do this interview with me.

Whats it about?

After that, Min and seth wrote an amazing article. It was the perfect one. It was called The ChopChop Method.

we are going to be famous, seth. Your method? it’ll reach everywhere. Are you ready to be famous?

Seth held his hands down on the keyboard, pausing. Was he ready? Was he ready for fame? Forum mafia fame? He swallowed, before answering min.

I am prepared. Thank you so much, Min.

Min published the article, and it immediately hit the front page on FOL. everyone read it, and they stared in awe. It was a mix of mins amazing persuading skills, and seths method detailed perfectly in all glory for the website to see. Everyone LOVED it. It immediately hit other websites, and everyone posted about it. All people did was beg seth to join their games, just so they could see his method in its action and in its glory, straight from the source. Seth would obviously do as he was asked, and he did a very good job. Everyone loved playing with him. It was truely amazing. Maybe forum mafia was good after all. Seth was doing his own thing, when he got a text from an old friend. It was chuck himself.

Hey Seth.

Im so sorry for everything, and so is pkr. You’re welcome to host games and play on our site.

Seth felt a grin on his face. Chuck. The one who ignored him all those times, denying his games. Asking him to play? Host games? This was a miracle. He humbled himself, and accepted the offer.

everyone shit their pants and died, the end.


I’m thinking of doing some ToL or ToS.
Just so I can escape for now.
And do something

i haven’t read this
but i can already tell it’s going to be better than seth’s

Hey hey don’t say that ;p

We’ve officially gotten our first fanfiction of sethposting

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Complete sentence