Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

oooh interesting.

more seth lore pog

app and intensify are both going into murder
I saw them

Arrow bottom right, message bubble left top

wait do you guys actually not know about that

That’s a lie because I saw App go into Medbay.

You are sus


im not a loremaster


im a loremaster

Not really… or atleast we didn’t need to know willingly

but then fol isnt my main forum so like idk y’all backstory

I will not lie

I’m going Betrayal for life I think 2 others plus me and Intensify are here minimum

I can’t believe we’re supporting characters.

Now our arcs will never progress in any meaningful way.

anyone wanna play charades

this is all a charade

What’s charades again?

I mix it up with pictionary

Intensify I don’t know anything about your character except that you like Legends of Runeterra

I act out something and you guess what it is

I’m going to act it out in real life so guess what I’m acting out

Ask Pigeon then