Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

nerves technically speaking generate electricity

my cat is a cat


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btw he’s named lixy which in french means shinx so i have a pet mist

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wait did i miss the mean girls formation

can i become a mean girl :joy_cat:

yes please

imagine being a mean girl
this was brought to you by men

I was just gonna invite katze to my conniving squad then I realized she’s not even playing

for the second time

what the FUCK

publicly post in thread if you want to join the conniving squad. I will determine entries


katze is a master of betrayal

what if i privately post in thread :flushed:

not valid. We’re here to open wolf

as the leader of the conniving squad I promise I will give the win to who ever I simp for the most over myself

yknow what
ill host my own mr
and i’ll have blackjack and hookers

So what happens if the mean girl squad dies first

ive randomized my pick

I cry

who the fuck is you


i don’t think we’re gonna hit 69 :pensive:

maybe i should just play so i can join some gamer alliances and backstab you all :joy_cat: