Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

RNG take the wheel lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Jokes aside

Primarily everyone should be picking majority lol

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Tangerine is used for tie break during the end game. Otherwise it’s really just something to hoard for bragging purposes.

Majority is essentially Unity but nobody can betray everyone by picking another room, because then they become the Majority.

We stan RNG based choosing

Besides the rng nerds

I’m a killer

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We are not nerds
We are enlightened

Just as returning to Monke perfects society
Returning to RNG enlightens the human spirit

Take a break from the ridiculous casino and enjoy the game for the experience itself
Too often we sweat the details to the point that we wrack ourselves over what we should do in a given situation
The slightest bit of failure suddenly starts to manifest into a virulent cancer that damages our psyche. They tell us to shrug it off but that’ll never get rid of the fact that your mistakes will come back to bite you. The ‘I should haves’ and the ‘GAAAH what was I doings’ are deeply grafted into your mind because that’s what humans evolved to do. Never make the same mistake twice for survival reasons.

Thus, it’s important to recognize the catharsis granted by ceding to RNG. In letting RNG and the theater of it all decide your course, there is no mistake. It is only fate. And the fun you’ll have along to ride with others enjoying it with you will be worth it. Same reason RP is so great.

And isn’t that even better?

If you rnged and rolled death, you would stay there or reroll?

Arete RNG’d death and is sticking there

I’m not a COWARD


I didn’t get a 7 unfortunately
I got the random result that includes another random result

it’s technically not gamethrowing because Death could be False or Illusion could be Gravity

Run em hands up min

We rush into the most dangerous rng of all
The Holy room

Death maj would be poggers

Those who pick graveyard are amogus


Choice is but an illusion.

If people want to


pick death and have majority there have fun

Duplicates and becomes Majority

joining sk would be poggers