Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

‘day is over’

you nerds: keep talking


now i understand why joycat isn’t on mu :joy:

whats he going to do
stop us?

if i twilight post will i become gayer


haha marshal not mod cant lock thread

hey guys
during nighttime the thread becomes minority rule again

Light - Geyde
Geyde - Chloe, PKR, Marl
Nutella - Conduit
Chloe - TL
PKR - Nutella, Light
Marl - Kat

Geyde dead. He was Town Cop

( Im fucking with you, he was mafia goon)


i picked Life

I mean we were allowed to by the host
So all’s gucci

This is a good idea

i called it

Night begns, ends :45. Actions pls

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im signal boosting

i picked Life

heads up boos

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I’m going for one of my 4 still as I said.
Idk what the lords of chaos want from me.

But blame Komaeda.

sorry bout that

i picked multiply
saw someone else did too omegalul
im not changing

I picked what ever i rolled with my D100

Why are we playing mafia

While there’s only 8 rools and 64 of us theres gonna be overlap

The rng cult is the only valid take
Anything outside of that is idiotic, especially in the early game

Why are you not playing mafia