Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

Dang secrecy had to survive. This will be a lot harder down the line.

At least I live another round. :man_shrugging:

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Agreed. I got very lucky there.

Basically how I feel, ye

Ayyy let’s go graveyard peeps.
Though I thought Chloe said she was going there so :frowning:



I’m so glad I chose secrecy right about now.


lots of memeloafkeeper candidates popping up
katze you better step up your game :^)

imagine the next round we all die after all choosing the cult room
part 2: imagine the next cult room being death

Yup. More than I thought there would be honestly. When are we getting the new roomlist Marl?

i bitched out after legit 5 seconds

okay hold the phone
i have wazza under secrecy
but wazza isn’t in the playerlist

wazza was in round 1

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i know that’s why i’m confused
where did she go

did we secretly have 68 players all along?

I used discobot and I’m going to go with it again.
Also, I guess so Marl?

Seems to imply they are actually playing.

Wazza was never in the OP
hence we were only one player away from 69
@Simon how could you