Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

You are never gonna get to be solo

That’s why it’s one of my 4 choices :slight_smile:

We are not doing anything in MR beyond playing the game fairly by RNG’ing round 1
This is a pact
It is immutable

If you break it you’ll probably lose

Party cause i RNGed and am not telling my result

insane room is omegalul


solo is a song by carly rae jepsen

is a bop and a half

More flavor:


Light has died. VT



Tell me when turbo is over and we can roleplay in mrr thread

wait that was so fast what

Day 3 begins and ends at :10

Maj is 3

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i sack myself for the greater good

/vote conduit

self-vote and ate

like i said
im picking multiply

Light got consoomed by Cannibal

We can’t spampost
But I can run a D&D 1-shot in pms if you’d like


btw i was right af

/vote Conduit


/Vote Conduit @Marshal
Am pretty sure this just wins it