Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

Hey this one was in Spanish or some shit

I’ll go to Evil with Blue.

Odds not looking great.


Time for me to head out. Good night everyone and see you all at 2 A.M. tomorrow when it’s revealed who picked what room.

Time to get rekt, me

If Unity is minority I will pick Unity :^)

“I would rather die next round then pick unity and have the higher chance of a somewhat decent room rand”

as long as apprentice is alive and the tangerine is in a different room
unity will not work lol


unity wont work because of force you nerds

im saving you all because i want to watch you all suffer upon that realization

force pushes someone from it, you’re thinkin of gravity

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Force only works when you pick it, and it is not gravity :^)



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im trying to scare people marl i hate u


I’m locked on Evil.

I’m picking force :^)

If all healthy go on Evil, we’d still be fine as long as Force and Unity aren’t perfectly tied.