Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

This is the best mistake that was ever made.
Even better than me, and that was a big one.
(Yes I self roasted)


does anyone wanna play a cop9er in this thread


I can’t believe this is happening.

Everyone is SHEEPING EACH OTHER. I thought this was a joke before, due to the amount of sheeping their was, but literally everyone on the wagon is sheeping except whomever Marshal said they were following (even though that person did not provide an explanation).

No argument has been presented.
No reasoning has been given.
No one has any idea why they’re voting.

Guys, if there isn’t a reason to vote for someone, you shouldn’t vote on them

I know I’m being a bit dramatic, but this is legitimately the dumbest ITA train I’ve ever seen. It almost makes me want to shove it through for the lolz, but that would defeat the spirit of the game, so instead, I’ll tell y’all this:

Don’t ITA on somebody for no reason. It’s dumb. Stop it. Hell, ITA me if you want, at least I have a couple of posts that people think are sus. Just don’t ITA someone for no reason.

Only if it’s only for this weekend

ill deadass host a cop9 turbo in here

I can’t even block katze smh


Oh we’re not playing a vig 10er?

OMG based


/In only to rand cop


Cop9 Turbo Signups


/in @Marshal

to join. Role PMs will be handed out after we get 9. Days last for 15 minutes, nights for five.


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im fully serious about this

  1. chloe
  2. conduit
  3. tl
  4. pkr

qehbkrfjwilhrwihrWI BNWKAO_}PEjqwkrop :JIIHWreiqhrihqwrqwrqwrqwbkrhliwqtjqwjtlwqtiwitjtppow1

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Heck yeah

2 at once poggers

/in @Marshal


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I’m going to hate it lol

Mod Note

  • I will answer any interactions questions either publicly or privately. Just ping me in thread if you want an answer publicly.
  • I will shitpost like a nonplayer, all my important text will have big text above it. However, i will ignore any questions asking about other player’s room selections. (Obviously!)
  • For the love of god don’t forget to send in your submissions before 2021-03-14T05:00:00Z. Hunting down people who don’t submit is gonna be a NIGHTMARE
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