Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

well that would be telling wouldn’t it?
but no it’s not, so don’t even try following me there

@Chloe I don’t know if I’ve ever said this, but you’re a really great friend and I love you a ton. Have hugs <3

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No steal name. :rage:


damn okay

only when you want something, huh

Awww man :frowning:


I would like a hug

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you know what great friends do? unlock their friend’s polls

im a bad friend

catch me relocking the polls

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this already eclipsed a 1000 posts??

you guys are taking this to another level

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nobody show livicus shortnight 2

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50000 posts
go go go

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was it even close to the cookie thread

Best town game on this website ever.

wow santa changed a lot

so, not close

shortnight 2 was fun why does everyone think it was a rlly bad game I had fun and in the end that is all that matters

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Now that’s a reference.