No, you can still join. 6 player LuF is better anyway, Balloonist actually makes sense at that count.
im confused what
somebody ping me on discord when start
i need to eat bekfast
So, who here wants me to give a Brief™ explanation of what LuF… actually is?
I think the script was posted somewhere earlier in the thread
I am acutely aware of what LuF is
I’m certainly not looking back for it tbh tbh
Should I join so we can force people to play BMR instead
i meant signups jesus
So, it’s a Blood on the Clocktower script that’s focused around FACTS and LOGIC.
me neither
hence I just said it’s somewhere :^)
someone else can look for it, I’m too lazy
Big Mac Ramen?
oh ok
signups are still open
taking one more player
gghana we have 6 dummy
We should play Fish Bucket with Ides included
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