Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale


Cult Leader is not on the script, so I’m ignoring this.

yeah I’m pretty sure at this point I was poisoned and my info was inaccurate
Eli isn’t playing like a townie and neither is Night
but that doesn’t explain the weird thunderdome between Marl and PKR lol

You’re a criminal

/hand up Marl
/hand up PKR
tbh i can see why it could BE PKR

/execute PKR
/pardon Marl

fwiw I still think it’s Night/Marl but eh
only PKR is listening to me for some reason

/pardon PKR actually

windward if you’re town
search your soul
read any of pkr’s posts during the botc daytimes and compare to the night

he’s mafia

PokemonKIdRyan - 2 - Marluxion, EliThePsycho

@Windward do you want to use your ghost vote?

so like if Wind is widow then PKR is the demon
if Wind is goblin then either they let themselves get executed for ??? reasons or ???

not voting

did my vote lock


Probably because it’s 3v2 with a VI amidst the 3.
(No offence, probably Eli)

It’s too late, it’s been called.

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how about considering worlds where I’m not a minion lol

I visited the story teller and got NO RESULT
youre not artist lol

PokemonKidRyan - 2 - Marluxion, EliThePsycho
Marluxion - -


So how do I tell people clocktower has an upcoming character called Village Idiot

Oh fun