Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

someone ping me when the next game starts


Who the fuck are you?


You pardoned PKR. That’s how BotC votes work; you can’t go back on them once the person after you has voted.

who even is nominated today

Well, I’m not Superman, that’s for sure. And I’m not Batman, or Spiderman, or Aquaman, or a merman, or a wolfman. I’m not a brahman, or common, or ramen. I’m not a caiman either, so you don’t really need to worry about anything.

@Me when the next game starts

Me and Marl?

MARL. And I’m trying to get Night to vote on them.

I retracted my pre-vote
not pardon

I am

Are you Mr. Sandman, and can you bring me a dream?

Again, it’s too late. PokemonKidRyan has 2 votes, which is enough to kill him unless Marl gets 2 or more.

you guys have focused the entire game on whether or not I’m poisoned or a minion
and literally never considered that anyone else could be poisoned
wake up sheeple

can we force seth to travel in tomorrow and then exile him immediately


Next ones gonna be Alien Takeover!


What is the current VC?