Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

who was evil

Marl and night

And PKR thought he was evil


Are u upset? If so I am sorry

idk why PKR didn’t just latch onto my info that he and Eli were good lol

marl mvp

no I have not read the game

Marl got executed as Leviathan lol

okay guys, my setup is amazing

It’s Mountainous but everyone has post restrictions, it’s also 9p.

we should play this


and yes the post restrictions were made by me because it’s funny

this is how i was outed
i claimed widow to them to keep the bluff and i didn’t say i poisoned you

Out of thread communication is allowed as well for things like these, just need to make sure i’m included in it (group dms on discord or forum dms are both fine)



I was expecting it.

I think the “Players who are not in the game or already dead can also post” rule is really stupid.

Good Job!
That’s how you put your compulsive framing to work Dude!

montagne time

there iss like
literally nobody who isn’t in the game

can we post while dead in the game? Actually?

I could do a TreeStump mountainous game lol


you can post while dead out of the game