Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

Going to request that all turbos (or similar) be moved to a different topic from this point forward, please.

The longer this thread becomes, the more strain it is on the servers. Which means discourse will become slower, and the chances of this game being stopped by higher-ups for being a megatopic increase.

Might ultimately be the same amount of posts, but the latter point of my argument still exists


…Why don’t we just all pick Unity?

Have Marl suffer with 64 people in the game for longer

Because there’s definitely going to be someone who ruins it for everyone

Haha Life go brrr

Life is False though

because I’m choosing betrayal

I assumed it would eventually stop once everyone gets yeeted into the new rooms


Wait, did you join the game Wazza?

the thread is still here even after rooms are chosen

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I assume it’s moreso a bunch of people will go splat

Just delete it and make a new one tbh.

I thought we actually got new room PMs or something and moved out of the main thread

out of curiosity
Do long PM chains put strain on the server

Absolutely, yeah

FoL has historically slowed down when there is any sort of forum-hosted danganronpa game going on

anyway I’m going murder so don’t

or do and let’s all die together? :flushed:

I joined yesterday :frowning:

okay but

unity will make Marl suffer more