Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

Hi conduit

hello conduit
would you like to play mystic

Hi min :cat::cat:

What is that

it’s cursed

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it’s a throne of lies: the online game of stupid BD class dummy

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I mean

it’s not that bad
just odd

i’m in my ranked game
oh no

will tell you about it after the match ends

I hope you roll arsonist

I haven’t played tos in a while but I’m pretty sure arso still sucks

arso got a buff that makes it hugely RNG dependant

This is what’s left when you take everything game-relevant out of a mash

I’m in Eli’s game

the mayor is gamethrowing, the arsonist is snowing, the vigilante is controlling people

i’m in firekitten’s game as the mayor

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chop chop has been typing for a minute I’m scared

don’t worry I’m a certified exorcist


also fun fact
the new ranked rolelist has no arso
nor an nk

Seth and Chuck talking in the back room

Yo Chuck why you deny my entry?

Not feeling it Rn.


Too risky

Risky for what? I can play just fine, did you see my Chrome game? Come on Chuck your my nice Mod!

Thanks bud, but your still denied

Oh c’mon give me a chance your setup looks cool.

Chuck? You there.

I’m busy

OMG Chuck just accept my In!

Maybe later

WTF :grimacing:

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hello fellow duke enjoyer


Yeah I heard that

There were some complaints about not enough KP last time I heard, but I never really found out how they fixed that