Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

remind me to stick to character only next time

blue album
white album
ok human
red album
everything will be alright in the end
black album
pacific daydream
green album
make believe

took out the albums that i havent listened to much

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I like make believe way more than literally any person I know who has listened to weezer

i didnt count the cover albums but i’d put death to false metal in the core and teal in the poe

im in shock & awe at the white album being in ur POE, i love that album

Doing fine atm, wbu?

i enjoy make believe i just think it isnt real weezer

I don’t kneo so I’m gonna sheep chloe

wait wait wait chloe u have white album in your poe??? WTF you’re such a willager white album is obvvvvvvvvtown

my car only had a radio for a while and it was MEGA overplayed when it came out

What is Weezer

drunk vicky 2 was a bad idea
i dont understand tht game sober

wait wtf nerbins is back

im just glad i dont have to disown either of you :heart:

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White album is townie as fuck

California kids
Thank god for girls
Do you wanna get high
King of the world
Summer elaine and drunk dori
LA Girlz
Endless bummer

a wolf never posts those. It’s out of range

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[all weezer albums}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pinkerton

its good but goddamn ive heard those songs a few too many times

chloe you have white album below fucking pacific daydream idk if I can even talk to you anymore

goddamn those half japanese girls

do it to me every time