Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale



puppet emporer

but can you enslave the working class in ck2?

i think not

can you use chemical weapons in ck2?

i think not again


not quite

you can poison your own son
that counts

the great chemical weapon of wine


yea but
you only kill one person
instead of

you can get insanely nutty battle screens in vicky 2
once i got 1m dead in a single battle


war is based
sun tzu said that

tbf that is one place ck is lacking
it’s just who has more soldiers (+ the little stickers you put on your army, like archers and mangonels and shit)

there’s just a lot of really stupid interactions that i love in ck

i mean
thats nigh every paradox game
but at least in vicky 2 you can use chemical weapons
and get eaten by cannibals in the jungle

i tried getting into hoi4 but i spent 90% of the game doing nothing before the enemy walked into my capital
then i wept

(not to mention the absurd fking dlc policies with paradox)

vicky 2 will run you 60 usd for the whole shebang
40 if you just get HoD

20 if your cheap and you want yellow prussia

hmm I’ll look into it
It’s just eu4 left a sour taste in my mouth, so I’m kind of cautious

I have seen some insane looking vc2 world maps from my friend

Anyone up for some VM?