Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

Oh yes, we indeed have gambling addiction :wink:

I’m gay

who all is joining the orang gang?

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Oh hey, it’s been a year since I joined the forums! Yay!


I will die on this hill of tangerines


We all have the big gey

I know the right thing to do is abandon my principles and go somewhere else

But bump that, I have a nonexistent reputation to uphold

Time to die in rejuvenate

Destined Poro shouldn’t die ;-;

She was clearly destined to die

you joining orang gang?

everyone: if I talk about rejuvenation enough I’ll scare everyone out of it

also everyone: still picking rejuvenation


Marl’s looking at us all going, “These fuckin idiots…”

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I am destined to live a mundane life.

Honestly p sure mundane dies here lol

Eh, the allure of Rejuvenation and tangerines might just be enough to yeet everyone there into dead land

45 minutes until results!

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Wouldn’t rejuvenate save Shuri too?