Minority Rule Royale - Intensify Victory Royale

That’s okay, we don’t need to talk in here to play anyway.

My master scheme has been ruined

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Broke: paywalling minority rule
Woke: sending players the bill after the game is over

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I have their signatures in the signup thread too
Good idea

Pay2Win = You can only choose this room by sending $10.00 USD to the host. Gives any player who enters it the Saint status.


(and then the room becomes the majority and everyone in it dies anyway)

Pay2Win more like Pay2Die amirite

offer to charge them another $10 to be entered into a raffle to be revived the next round

@katze you should suggest the idea to xblade of letting people pay a subscription for unlimited likes :^)


11/10 would pay

in a game where you dont have to read any of the posts I don’t see how 1000 posts would be bad
its just

I’ve not read any posts and I’ve already made a selection bc I’m greedy

Rolls for random events happening during a phase will be done publicly via discobot because it’ll be more entertaining.

(Such as whom a serial killer kills or who gets ejected from a force room, who gains a status, etc. Room selection will be continue to be done privately on random.org so i dont go insane )

So I’ll announce a minute or so before phase changes and i’ll say to cease posting so i can run em uninterrupted :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh, I thought the rooms stayed the same but the one the majority picked got taken out :joy_cat:

Nope! New selection of rooms every round, the count just decreases by one.

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So many posts

why are there so many fucking posts

can you all shut the fuck up


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I have but one thing to say

if you don’t all shut up I’m posting my feet