So you said that activity is not required for this? I could just pop in at this time every day and then not worry about it?
Hmmmmmm, not sure how I feel about this
I’m 90% sure orange currently resides in not armenia
Then where?
And Armenia is an asian country. They’re near the Georgia country.
He could still live in Armenia while doing online classes.
Yes, I’m joking.
Just to crowd this up.
I’m American, no Armenian heritage
It’s just a cool country and having yet another US flag is boring
Turn liberian.
I’m good but half of my family is not doing so well
Honestly the past few months have just been a string of shitty occurrences and I’ve barely been able to catch a break
I think this is my first game on this forum this whole year, which is pretty indicative of how bad things have been lol
On the bright side (and I know I’ve been saying this since November but hopefully it’s for real this time!) it looks like things might open up soon enough for me to start working through my backlog of stuff (I have a game to review, might play a game or two, some other projects, etc.)
So yeah, been an interesting time and I’ll appreciate having MR
these two are apparently different!
There’s an imposter among us.
ily no het
You could literally do that and be fine
Yep! Just peep thread once a day, select a room from the list and continue on your day
you can chat with others to try to figure out where they’re going or convince them to go into certain rooms but it is completely optional
will be selecting rooms entirely through RNG