[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

That said it pretty well

…huh. I actually forgot about this.
–wouldn’t this mean that one of Appel, Cheese, Geralt and Wazza could be a convert?
Which would lead us back to: “Who is the third alien?”
…let’s get the alien first, and then the convert.

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I will still do the likeliest thing which is you or CRich is bio. Sorry xx

Thank you. That is correct.
Biologist Alien comes first.

I cant shoot.

Unless everyone can shoot in which case I can?

“You have a gun. Unfortunately, so does everyone else.”

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And I’m fine with that. I’m saying I’m not it, but I’m also saying I’m not against dying

You have 1 shot.
I would recommend shooting


W/e, you do you

Yes, you can shoot. Just type: **/shoot [Name]** and shoot either L1ght or Richard.

I am doing it just to annoy you a bit lol

Was that the intention yesterday?

Cause, if so, you succeeded damn well.

Yeah imagine that.

If anyone kills me, don’t complain if anyone gets converted without interference from me.
It’s your loss after all.

I would shoot L1ght except I already used my shot.

Are concerts a thing these days or are lockdowns still in effect?

Har har har. I’m laughing so hard.