[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

ngl I thought you were screwed when you just kept trying to force the 4-move and extending it but then my brain turned off

Counterpoint - Italy might not be Pet

nah you tried to force the 4-move too hard, so it shouldnā€™t have been hard for me to win, I deserve it

Counterpoint - If Italy is not Pet, we should be able to trust Wazza since only 1 alien spawns at start of game.
Sure, Waz could be a neutral or something in that case but things look better for Waz if Italy is lying.

Furthermore, you think I hadnā€™t already considered that? Psh.

Counterpoint 2 - One of the neighbors might be detection immune

Then again, this is just 1 type of alien, the parasites, but still.

No, it only stops Parasites from spawning
Not Warriors

Beat ya to it :3

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Counterpoint - no, and also no


Anywho, I claim to be the Hybrid, and have a redcheck on one of my neighbors

So Cloned and Appel.

No, Jesus and your mom

eh, not as funny as I thought it would be

Yes, Cloned, and Appel

I thought it was a modkillable offense to claim pet as not the pet

Counterpoint 2 - There is literally 1 role which is detection immune to the Pet which is the Sympathizer.
I would assume Petā€™s passive counts as an ā€˜investigative checkā€™
If not, then actually once againā€¦ Wazza is innocent as there are 0 roles unable to be faked to a pet.
(Assuming Italy is Pet)

nah thatā€™s the other class that shall not be named

Okay, so cloned and Appel are always the jettison today
I donā€™t think itā€™s unoptimal just doing them both to ensure the alien dies
Do you get informed when the alien next to you dies?

heā€™s just constantly informed whether at least one of his living neighbors is an alien

I do not know.

@clonedcheese @Appelsiini
I claim the Hybrid, and have a redcheck on one of you. Appear in front of me, please.

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Any non-VIP who claims Stowaway is jettisoned if theyā€™re not the Stowaway.
I donā€™t see anything that makes anyone fake claiming pet be jettisoned.