[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

can we start a cat suffrage petition

Can I please get revived?

after we figure out who to swap you with

magnus should be reviving players into alien slots, and then flipping their roles back into place

It’s risky, since you’re Queen.

That is the idea, yes.
As I will stay Crew.
So I can know whether we hit the OG Queen if I become biologist.

Voters Seeking to Progress to Warp Phase Votes
Wazza :flying_saucer:, oB_L1ght, Magnus 4/5

I was writing a wallpost, but upon further thought, I’ll leave that for tomorrow.

Anyway, Wazza should be getting more pressure and Gorta should be kept an eye on.

/vote for warp phase

it’s been an honor

1 Like

Last post of day here.

Voters Seeking to Progress to Warp Phase Votes
Wazza :flying_saucer:, oB_L1ght, Magnus, Appelsiini 5/5

The ship is entering warp!

@Italy has been expunged from the airlock. To imitate Kyo, he has been JETTISONNED. He has died.

The Warp Phase begins.



Warp 2 ends at 2020-07-05T12:44:00Z, but can end earlier if every living player votes to end it early.


Warp Phase 2 has ended. No one has died.

Day 3 has begun. The first ship attack is scheduled for 30 hours from now, at 2020-07-06T18:55:00Z, if progression to the warp phase is not hammered in votes by then.

Remember that warp votes may not be cast for the first 12 hours of the day, until 2020-07-06T00:55:00Z, but all other day activities may be conducted at any time during the day phase.

The ship is currently a distance of three away from the secret destination.

Best of luck.

NAI Host Ping Part 1:


NAI Host Ping Part 2:


I am backkkkk!
Ship-aligned Galley Officer here.

So App is good, then.

I am kinda surprised this role would not be converted because stopping people from acting is good for scum.

Ah, true.
So you’re saying App could be evil converted.