[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)


/shoot light


You should have asked me to go backwards, but I was under the impression that no actioning was ok

Itā€™s more likely that Light would be the alien and convert a neighbor, but thatā€™s tinfoil

Why is everyone after L1ght? Sheesh.

in scum Light worlds Light would always be an alien

Light is one of the few candidates here

Yet I donā€™t see anything that would make them scummy. Even if itā€™s true, we should judge them based on interactions instead of mech stuff.


Right now Iā€™m concerned about the fact that no one seems to be actually making any reads and instead blindly follows mech-theories.
There are people like Kyo and Wazza, for example, who have somewhat had a presence in the thread but have done nothing read-wise and no one has paid attention to them.

/whisper @Geralt_of_Rivia

Gorta can only be evil if Kyo is evil.
Appel, idk what their old faction wasā€¦ but all I can know is that they are quartermaster and I am the Galley Officer.

That depends on which ability Magnus used.

Should be the first one.

Alsoā€¦ if I may do some interpretation.
Appel seemed to think that the alignment would be dependant on which ability was used.

I think this might mean Appel was an alien?
The convert, likely.

I can vouch for Kyo, as I told Kyo what I was d1 and I am not an alien now.

Appel could not have been the original Queen (Now Bio) because I am their role now. And L1ghtā€™s result corroborates this.

This means we are 99% just looking for the Biologist.
Which is Kyo or L1ght.

Why these 2?
Well, everyone is is confirmed.

Kyo confirms Gorta.
L1ght confirms Cloned and Appel. (Which is now me)
Italy had confirmed Wazza and Geralt.
Magnus did what the said they would.

The PoE is literally you two.

I only took Kyo out of PoE yesterday because they ā€˜cooperatedā€™ with me.
But looking back on itā€¦ if they hadnā€™t, Kyo would have been quite screwed assuming they are evil.

gorta is still PoE

NOT for Biologist.

POE is kyo, gorta, and light as current biologist
app or CRich might also be biologist but dead

ā€¦am i missing something

In fact let me word it like this.
Gorta is quite possibly Biologist if Kyo was the convert.
Or alien if KYO is the biologist.
But Appelā€™s wording strongly suggests they were alien aligned.

This means that unless we have another 2 aliens, Gorta is probably fine.