[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

I’m playing towards my win condition
And every ship-aligned player has my win condition
So I’d hope it’s important enough to consider

Why would you want it delayed

Because I’m sleeping soon.

When will you be awake?

Or people with lives as you damn well wasted time giving me a bit of a sonnet.

I’m awake, you can tell me

Maybe… 2020-07-07T05:00:00Z, being conservative?

Anyone know when day ends?

Within 9+ hours, which is way past the deadline.

Can I just message you very quickly

:seat: :bus: :it:?

But I gave Magnus and Crich good info. Strange that Crich didn’t mention it. Weirrrrrrd


Not really, according to town.

No; he switched PKR with Appel.

/whisper Magnus

(you have to /accept)

Not my fault your questions sucked.

How about you do not try to do this? :stuck_out_tongue:
You are confirmed Alien.
Any “info” from you should be taken with a pinch of every FM player’s condiment… salt.

:arrow_forward: :crescent_moon:

But why would Crich keep what I said secret?

I agree that we should warp sooner or later, but I don’t think Magnus should swap you Tonight.

(I know.)
/Accept (Conditional on Kyo making the chat.)