[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

What are you talking about? There were no night kills; everyone was murdered to death.

Okay, okay

My guess

Guess I donā€™t care

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Thatā€™s because we killed the predator D1

Try social reading and then gut reading, or else you might get confirmation bias

Oh. Assumption game.
Wellā€¦ It isnā€™t even N1 conversion only. The conversion happens every night when nobody was airlocked, so itā€™s more difficult than just that.

But my info is good. Just ask PKR.

Yes. Basically, if it was a 4v10, the game would start off nigh-impossible

Appel already did the social reading. Her POE consists of Wazza, Kyo and Geralt, but she didnā€™t pushed the idea loud enough to be remembered.

You werenā€™t saying much to be honest. Then again you were the predator, so you wonā€™t mind if we take what you have to say with a pinch of salt.

But Iā€™m not lyingā€¦

Assuming this is a normal forum mafia; but this isnā€™t a forum mafia. Itā€™s a different game with similar gimmicks, but ultimately different goals.

Do you remember when I asked for a feature to ignore people for certain threads


Iā€™m hurt.

I know, but thereā€™s also a five day limit for this game except for navigator/engineer

Tell Kyo to go piss himself, he does it a lot

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Welp. Good luck space cadets.

Not that you arenā€™t nice as a person Moleland, but youā€™re unfortunately wasting my valuable thread space and attempting to pull WIFOM tactics
At least this isnā€™t on the level of Leafiaā€™s persistance


I donā€™t, but I donā€™t really mind Mole since heā€™s less worse than Leafia and Mode.

It ainā€™t that bad. At least heā€™s not pushing words into my mouth.

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LOL. That was exactly what I was thinking.

Omg. Thatā€™s racist