[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

I mean… we do have one of those “supposedly”.

Yes, who has done nothing all game.

Wow. “Individuals who put words into others’ mouth” have become a race. I am impressed! :smiley:

That’s sexist :flushed:

Well, if he doesn’t do anything Tonight again, then we will airlock him Tomorrow.

@PokemonKidRyan @Wazza
Don’t you two dare target gorta Tonight.

If you let the ship get attacked, I’ll reveal a wolf

That’s irrelevant because if he’s scum, he could just double boost them to victory

Which would directly be gamethrowing, no? I’m all for finding wolves, but not like this.

“characterized by or showing prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex”
…how exactly were my words sexist?
–anyhow, I’LL TAKE IT!
You can’t kill a dead dog anyways! :laughing: :smiling_imp:

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Nah. It’s not gamethrowing

In a flipless game, yes, it would either be lying or gamethrowing.

Then… do you propose we airlock him or something? Please be clear about your stance.

Dude I got called racist for playing Overwatch the other day

I’ve got no idea my dude

Deserved tbh

I’m going to stop interacting with mole, this is hurting my eyes

…I am not buying this.

/airlock execute L1ght

@N.1 @eevee

@Appelsiini, you better come here and convince me why I should remove my vote, because I don’t see why L1ght is “not scummy”.

Oh boy lets not throw the other r word around like that.

Lol. Reasoning: If gorta was a convert, him yeeting ya across the galaxy yesterday would’ve been a scumwin unless he’s the last scum

It clearly was a joke.