[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)


Good song.

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I believe in analyisng each slot separately. Donā€™t worry KyoDaz, I am planning on looking at each slot alive. But given your awful reactions to my push I am fairly happy pressuring you untill you give anything resembling of a member of town.

Ye, this is what I was referencing

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Iā€™ve watched the entire season on Netflix and listened to the song when it was only on Spotify.

No, youā€™re only happy until Iā€™m executed with your agenda
Youā€™re using this as an excuse to not analyse any other slot and to deathtunnel me

Youā€™ve been incredibly cherrypicky

You tell em man. Get revenge on the offline airlocking :unamused:

I have pushed you for about 30 minutes, yet I am deathtunnelling you? Okay honey.

Geralt, where do you think the extra alien is?

We have got at least 4 + converts in game if both myself and Zone have been telling the truth.
Moleland has not tried at all to deny being Predator like I accused him of.
Zone claimed that they were bio turned queen.

This would mean we have Predator and Queen.
To have them, we have to have an ambassador.
Due to that we have got an additional alien.

If we know there are at least 4 aliens in the game and only one is 100% confirmed, Moleland. Then where are the others?

Youā€™ve expressed intent to death tunnel me with your last sentence.

Let me go and do a quick ISO of Geralt

I am waiting for you to do anything other than baselessly shade me or baselessly claim I have a bogeyman agenda. You arenā€™t doing that so why should I stop assuming you are an evil?

Toss a coin to your witcher, oh valley of PENIS

Hmm, yes, alright

Hmm, interesting

Oh my this gets even better

Oh lovely

What content

Moleland is obviously evil.

Hoenstly I do not really understand the mechanics of this game at all and am just basing my reads on social day play. Off of this KyoDaz seems likely evil to me, but I will look at ClonedCheeseā€™s slot next and then at yours.

If I was evil I would have converted you N1 tbqh, but I have liked you socially (this may change once I ISO you).

Thatā€™s nice. Itā€™s good to make friends

Quoting me questioning the reasons for your baseless agenda accusations instead of actually answering them. Great defense, KyoDaz.

Who are you to throw around the term agenda
You already express that in your posts

How about I solve the problem. Bring the ship back and let me onboard and Iā€™ll kill Kyo. Seems fair?

Ok. I have no idea why you are certain I am not town pushing someone who mislynchd me over me being scum pushign agenda? This is unclear to me.