[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Then read the rolecards again.

Explain it to me so I donā€™t have to, instead?

Queen, Predator.
In order to have these there is an Ambassador.
Due to there being an Ambassador look at Passive 2.

But, if there was originally only a queen, and then an ambassador, maybe the +1 was the Predatorā€¦?

No Italy, we wonā€™t let N.1 decide who dies Today.
Because in the worst case scenario, he will kill gorta.

I do not think that is how it worksā€¦ but if it is then I will stand corrected.
I wouldnt know for sure though. I am new to this game as a whole.

No Italy is telling us to dismantle the U.S.A.F

Also, L1ght you said about balanceā€¦ but 4 checks, none of which are actual alien.
That is not balanced.
So logically we would have a sym


Canā€™t find the converts, which seem to be an integral part of the game, so not as OP as it seems.

Asked our marvelous hostā€¦ Yeah, basically the ā€œadd one passenger and one alienā€ literally means nothing. All it does is ensure that there is at least one passenger and one starting alien in the game.

I donā€™t think it ends at parity

Can you explain this list?

If the ambassador is in play then both factions are also in play

There should be a starting alien because if not we wouldnā€™t have a game at all

That ā€¦ goes without saying.
The fact that the game isnā€™t over despite all the airlock deaths makes me wonder if weā€™ve miscleared someone.

Thatā€™s possible, but who do you think is miscleared?

I can confirm what light said about the ambassador stuff

@Aelin why is Kyo so high on your lynch list?

Itā€™s more that everyone else is lower. Kyo and Wazza are interchangable, really.

People that were never mechconfirmed to be a certain role:

  • app
  • crich
  • light
  • kyo
  • geralt

We have 3 starting scum at least, and 2 have not been found (bio counts in this case)

And i think itā€™s fair to assume that at there exists at least 1 more alien, possibly in the form of a sympathizer

I think light was starting scum - hybrid is an extremely convientnient claim. Id say this is our queen turned biologist.

App had conflicting info with app d2; since no whispers, this was tvs. App is scum.

I can conclude that one of kyo/crich/geralt is evil. Of these, it is notable that kyo and gorta fiercely defended each other, even thoguh gorta as the ship jumper-maker had less of a reason to fully confide in kyo. However they have continuously claimed that each other are 100% clear. This, i believe, comes from starting scum + convert. Convert + convert is possible, but extremely unlikely.

As light died d3, we need to look for 2 more converts. It will be left to the reader as an exercise.

I think if thereā€™s a convert, it isnā€™t the person thatā€™s been steadily moving us away. Gorta couldā€™ve easily just moved us two forward, claimed Wazza hacked him, and then won if he was a convert. Thus, gorta is the lowest on my list. And since ghost votesā„¢, all we need is a good player alive to nominate.

I didnt see this

How has the ship moved today?

I know it moved back yesterday

Didnt say in sod