[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

There’s something wrong here

Either CRich or Geralt has to be scum, because if that weren’t the case, Queen/Evil Bio would be still alive and thus aliens would’ve gotten majority by now with converts

They’re both voting Cheese

Conclusion: Cheese town


Noone said it will be meteor :^)

In fact, you can see a Tyranids swarm not so far from your location :eyes:


@Magnus what did you do last night?

Nevermind, alien majority =/= win. Point still stands

Oh shit really? I did actually hate CRichard564s wolfy pop in vote on ClonedCheese. Am I able to unvote?

He appears and quickly votes Cheese for airlock without saying anything at all and after me and Wazza have.

Airlock votes lock in this game in the same way that they lock in BotF.

I have not been tracking this as it has not really been relevant before today, but if needed, I can look into it. There are players in this game that are more familiar with this locking mechanism than I am.

I /unvote if I am able to.

Too little too late I think. Cheese has been airlocked.
I thought for a long time the dead can’t vote.
Guess not. Besides I’d like the game to be over so I can move onto other things.

Light stands beneath cheese, so everyone can unvote …mainly because nobody votes for pardons for some reason.

I mean if one of us is scum according to appelsini I dont ever wanting to be voting same as you.

“voting for pardon” is not actually a thing in the official irl turbo versions of this game and clocktower, so :man_shrugging:.

Wazza is also voting ClonedCheese after just ATEing horrendously and doing nothing productive at all.

Yeah… would this mean that we need to use the standard majority system for the airlocks in future games as well though?

if airlock is ever run here again, i dont really have plans to change the voting system? seems fine to me.

no, the way it is here and BotF is perfectly fine for a forum format. The pardon mechanic just doesn’t exist IRL is all, but the difference between the two format types is fine.

Hm… well, if you say so.

Quick murder Kyo cheese


So, not much has happened it seems.