[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

is there a misc starting up now? I know we have Dagan in like a week but anything before that


I forgot about that

PKR was so obviously not bio it hurt

I’m offended you think we might’ve fallen for that

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  • It was obvious that PKR was trying to bait
  • Zone spewed to me in whisper that he was Biologist after I CC’d his claim of Comms Officer


Oh fun

He was acting like a fucking prick on a power trip

I believed it

I uh take partial responsibility for that. I saved Kyo’s rear end so many times this game defending that slot.

hey look at me loudly proclaim my redcheck after whispering multiple people I’m definitely the bio (not blaming PKR he was fine, but it was pretty clear he wasn’t bio)

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Zone claimed to me and we already had a sneaky suspicion
And Moleland was uh, dying
So I knew I needed to get to App to give them a bluff and tell them of Zone

I died inside when I saw I was occ’d trying to convert Zone though

I was responsible for several aliens not dying because I thought Kyo wasn’t scum from neighborhood interactions at first

Ugh, I was a top-poster, this disgusts me

also 4 greenchecks and 1 redcheck before n1

what in the world is this entire setup


Did i win

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… I am still questioning why PKR asked me to use that ability horribly. LOL

It’s not too crazy when you think about it. Converts are a quintessential part of this set-up

Yeah, converting me was personally and honestly the dumbest mistake you could’ve ever done IMO. Especially after you’ve seen the whispers I made at SoD2.

I was “softing” as Comms Officer
When, in reality, I was getting to Apprentice

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I mean it’s still a super swingy setup. Converting bio succesfully is almost game ending on the spot