[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)


I shouldā€™ve known it was eevee smh

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Probably because sheā€™s the most productive person aside from me if you exclude her decrease of activity at the second half of the game.

I mean
I was doing pretty well but like haha

time to drown my sins in the bathtub except instead of my sins itā€™s me

I kind of read you as w/w with Appel for that. Thatā€™s what I would have done to cover for my alien partner if I was a starting alien. I should probably stop trying to get w/w reactions from crap like that, as it hasnā€™t really been effective

Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m at like ~2 town and ~7 nontown games now

rand machine broken


No like I actually really enjoy talking with Appel
Also wolves wouldnā€™t throw blatant association on each other like that so you kinda got it backwards

@eevee, I blame you for our victory. Not thank you; blame you. I really wanted to throw the game ASAP by going silent when I was converted, butā€¦ well, that wouldnā€™t be ā€œsportiveā€.

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I think Iā€™ve lost every single game except for my first

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I got carried in JK9/9 change my mind

did gorta claim to anyone d1? now that I think about it, if gorta actually uses +2 the first time he might get bopped for doing that

Oh, yes, I have decided Iā€™m going for the record of the lowest scum Win-Loss ratio
I am currently at 0/3

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Gorta claimed to myself D1, yes. I told you about it when I told you about Zone

this is if I converted gorta

I meant a non-alien

queen conversion does not process until EoW.

Honestly, converting gorta was probably an insta win for aliens unless a lucky bio got him

I got a nontown win here I guess

I could have claimed that Wazza hacked me and thunderdomed with Wazza to airlock Wazza to +2 again

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