[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

how am i supposed to trashtalk you in emojis


There was so much apathy coming from PKR late game I thought he was also bad, and at least I was right about KyoDaz, but I think at the point I started trying town had already lost. Sorry to everyone, mechanics kinda confused me so I didnt focus early on when everything was talking about mechanics.

Not sure how we could have ever won at the end there with 7 evil players alive haha.

Farewell all.

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Less, as App and Mole were dead.


i shouldā€™ve realized how sketchy zone trying to stop an attack was

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They lost when I was infected because at that point it was 4 vs 2. Kyo, me, PKR, and Magnus were all alien aligned with only you and Wazza ship aligned. Wazza even signed over captain to an alien. If I wasnā€™t infected and Wazza retained captain we could have won that.

3 vs 3 with a ship aligned captain, afk infected transporter chief, and the ship 6 spots away from the destination it would have just been a game of removing the biologist and then removing PKR and Magnus

I ainā€™t risking anything.

i am wondering
do you feel like giving scum that extra convert power was a fair trade with moleā€™s death

Tbh day 1 cop checks are kinda bs to begin with.

we did due to all the checks (putting pet and hybrid in the same game was stupid, as i learned the hard way)

appy was occupied and unable to convert night 1.

and then, the next day, zone pulled a very unneccessary ? play that got both him and appy killed

at that point, scum only had any chance if appy or zone was revived or kyo was role swapped into biologist.

so i do not regret what eevee did in result of the hacking, no.

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Scum only had any chance because they pushed Cloned to revive Magnus. Lol

if cloned had revived pkr d2 instead, they were boned, as that would have locked magnus, appy, and zone all out of ever being alive again. With transporter chief dead, that also means kyo never could have become queen or biologist

So if magnus wasnā€™t revived d2 (cloned was never gonna touch zone or appy), town would have been guaranteed to win unless kyo was somehow the only player alive before reaching the secret destination.

kyo then just kind of convinced magnus in whisper to role swap him with appy warp 3.

magnus then went afk after that

he did not post anywhere in his classcard, any whispers, or in here since that action
he might not even be aware that he got converted.

he was defaulted to option 3 (do nothing) for warp 4 and warp 5.

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I think if you do this again you should migrate checks to warp phase.

Like, have them activated during day phase but migrate results to warp phase. Maybe the same with conversions

Currently waiting for feedback from one of the gameā€™s devs. It might be unsalvageable for forum format. Idk.

Meh. Worst case scenario we just make our own version of Airlock. Just like what we did to ToL.

queenā€™s warp ability 2 is laughably bad for the forum format
that would probs need to be adjusted if this setup was ever going to come back.

ā€¦looking at this, I have to ask:
After Sec brigs a target during Day Phase, with the exception of the target getting airlocked, when when will the brig ever be empty?

you are right that that wording sucks
Geralt never put anyone in the brig this game