[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Too bad we never saw this in good action.
What I mean is: “What if Appel didn’t occ Apprentice N1, and Wazza hacked Apprentice instead of Magnus?”

Will the hack be prevented, or will Apprentice hack a random target instead?

a player of host’s choice would have been converted

probably would have gone with appel, personally.

For the Security, can’t we just add the fact that their Day target will be released at the end of the Warp Phase?

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Well… then I hereby declare Technician to be weak as ****. If it can’t prevent a conversion and instead only randomizes the target, then it ain’t strong at all IMO.

At best it makes a confusion of Queen contacting their supposed convert, thereby outing themselves to a not-converted crewmember.

Hack the Predator? Change of killed target.
Hack the Informant? Countdown might raise instead of decreasing.
Hack the Hacker? Randomize their target or… whatever a Hack does to a Sabotage.

Hacking is literally scumsided, and the one role that can protect others against hacking can’t do anything else that is useful.

can this be run over VC like BotC?

hacking causes arbitration on all abilities
it is NOT random. It’s host’s choice
if you think you are losing, attempt a hack and it will probably help you

i guess? like i said this game was designed to be run by a proprietary AI, but this custom non-AI version that I formatted probably could be done w/ VC.

if the host wanted to, they could force the queen to sink the conversion by infecting themself, or a dead player.

unironically this was fun to watch

shout out to oB/appel/mole in particular

the fact the entire game was played trying to figure out mechanics over reads was a thing, but the mechanics themselves were interesting

gj to those who won

maybe ill join if this gets run again in the future


Mmnh… Fair…

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Senpai noticed me

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There is absolutely nothing random in this game apart from the rand of which role goes to which player, and the D6 rolls for murder attempts.

Aye. It just makes more work for the host though, and I don’t like that. I hate more think-work.

That would be fun

Hack the predator and make it kill themeslfs / theirs allies.

It really heavilly depends if you target good or bad person.

No, it depends on RNG.

It’s also a damn shame there’s only two roles that I was good against. Hacker and Predator.

And the Predator died instantly.

If you target evil person, you will mess up theirs action.

If good, you will mess up good’s action.

Simple as that.

there is no such thing as RNG in airlock

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