[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

To fake being a pet

This is tinfoil that has lasted from a few hours ago when i thought evil was given fakeclaims like in botf

Iā€¦ think evil are given fakeclaims

I donā€™t know why
Iā€™m just getting this feeling

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Possible though I imagine it would be hard to keep up the act for this long.

No it would not

A pet would make a ridiculously good fakeclaim

If there was a communications officer

It may be optimal to ask the y/n if thereā€™s a pet

There literally is.

Im not saying italy should go die
Im saying i dont trust italy 100% and will take ther gibberish with a grain of salt

Anyone who is even considering Italy not being pet right nowā€¦ is just beyond questionable to me.
Likeā€¦ what?
Italy is categorically a pet.

Alright sure it would be a good fake claim, yet not practical.
See what I mean?


All roles that can ask questions about roles, please ask for the predator

Tinfoil: Cloned or someone who is on the Italy is lying/fakeclaiming wagon is the Alien who wants people to vote to airlock Italy because otherwise he might be confirmed today.


Because if town is stupid enough a queen will ride a pet fakeclaim until thereā€™ sno choice left but to question them
Which is going to be a fucking long time if we dont keep that possibility open to thought

image :shield: :hocho:

The disappointment I feel is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

I donā€™t see how Italy isnā€™t pet. They came straight out with it

Fakeclaiming a pet has either 0% or 100% chance to get you killed. Why would scum go for such a risky play?

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Where does this come from

Do not question it, Appel is correct.