[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

That’s not a hard claim.


I’m not as sure voting you rather than someone who is green checked such as Wazza.

Is L1ght greenchecked?

So wait, if we say that we are whispering can we PM a player?

If you invite the host, of course.

L1ght claims Hybrid with no-alien result on neighbours (Appel and Cloned)
Italy claims Pet with no-alien result on neighbours (Wazza and Geralt)

Nah. That was the threat in case nobody believes me. Otherwise I have a better ability that I can use.

There is none; it’s power abuse. I am a megalomaniac who WILL get what I want.

Because you don’t need mine; I need yours.

/Whisper Italy

A claim doesn’t make you confirmed, as you know.
Therefore, you are not confirmed.
If you are evil, giving you my claim could be a detriment.

FTR, checking a Hybrid and a Pet is useless since the latter is 100% Miller and the former is ???% Miller.

So claiming Pet would be ideal as evil?

Not to throw shade, of course.

Italy is not evil, he is pet.
I literally chose to claim to Italy even because I trust him.

Trust doesn’t equal locktown.
And I’m not saying Italy is evil.

I’m asking, would claiming pet be ideal for evil?

Pot, meet kettle.

I don’t care to be honest. I will keep pressuring you using my power, and in case everyone decides to not believe me, I will just push the nuke button and get myself confirmed at the cost of another’s life.

This is almost like BotF III all over again. Don’t tell me you randed scum again too?

Well, it could work but it highly inhibits communication and is easily outed if he makes a mistake as a fakeclaim therefore I highly doubt that Italy does that as a fake thing.


I forgot people have to accept.


Yes, which would be nearly impossible to do, since you’d have to talk with restrictions ALL the time.

…sure. Whatever you say, Magnus.