[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Saying this phrase doesn’t make you seem towny, you know.
You should explain your reasoning.

This seems… extremely strange coming from a town perspective. Are you saying you’re just going to try and pressure to get everybody’s claims? See how that would be a problem if you turned out to be evil?
I’m fine to give a claim, but not privately into one basket with everybody else.

Stop shading on me.

Look, I do not intend to stir the pot, but you have the ability to try and murder others.
If you are sure each other is scum then do it and stop derailing the thread by shading back and forth.

Thank you, Pkr.

I want to add to this;

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@Italy although you cannot really say much, feel free to like somewhat comment on my claim here.
Since really all you can do is comment on things using the way of the emoji which I am still training in.

/whisper @PokemonKidRyan



You haven’t breadcrumbed your role like you did BotF III, but I already have done so in this game.
Aside from this, there is no reasoning. I am not only a megalomaniac, but also a control freak who wants to know everyone’s roles. Just like BotF III.

I see how it would be a problem if I turn out to be evil, and I honestly don’t give a damn as long as I am alive. You say that it is strange coming from a town perspective, but this is literally what I did in BotF III.

The only reason I am not claiming out in the open immediately like BotF III is because this game has a conversion mechanic that I don’t particularly like.

Make me stop. As I said before: I don’t give a damn about everyone else as long as I am alive, because as long as I am alive, I can threaten someone’s life to take the hit instead. :smiling_imp:


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To be more precise, I have the ability to nuke a certain someone if need to be. I’d rather not use it if I can though, since I have another ability I want to use Today.

Oh. Hi Italy. How are you?

:bed: :no_entry:

I was evil in BotF 3, in case you forgot.
In any case, I’m not breadcrumbing because it did nothing.
I’ll rectify that soon.[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:669, topic:82556”]
I see how it would be a problem if I turn out to be evil, and I honestly don’t give a damn as long as I am alive. You say that it is strange coming from a town perspective, but this is literally what I did in BotF III.

The only reason I am not claiming out in the open immediately like BotF III is because this game has a conversion mechanic that I don’t particularly like.

Conversion? So even if you’re town now, you could turn evil.
Now I really don’t wanna claim to you.

Anybody else feel odd by this?

I think Italy is saying it’s time they go to bed. Speaking of bed time, I should be getting ready to sleep soon.

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:no_entry_sign: :sleeping_bed:

Similar story here.

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Or he’s not sleeping.

Italy is not sleepy / not going to bed.

:bed: :-1: