[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

basically that would mean you are a spoopy parasite queen and you infected Appel with your parasites and now Appel is alien aligned

Oh, okay. Soā€¦ not fun, and more Predator 8 shit?

I thought more Alien Isolation

Thatā€™s the joke lol
Sorry I have veryā€¦ skippy humor

Oh do you have Alien Isolation?
Itā€™s fun if you donā€™t mind the scares.

Still doesnā€™t work, sniff. Search for appelsiinimeow

Also Queen starts alone

why is this cookie thread V4 lmao

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Iā€™ve completed Alien Isolation a while ago. It was a really fun game.
The challenges were quite fun as well.

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I sent you a challenge

On Nightmare?
Thatā€™s the real survival test.

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Because I wanna play chess

if youā€™re not in game im open :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember having to conserve flamethrower ammo and having to use specific timing to keep my flame ammo in check.
And avoiding it as much as possible when running up to the door and doing the puzzle to lock it.
I remember that challenge quite vividly.

I believe they have one infection that they could use at any time, but I was mostly joking

I challenged Appel but she hasnā€™t accepted yet :frowning:

I got in!!

Is this a good time to tell you Iā€™ve been playing chess on a daily basis for 4 years now

On Nightmare itā€™s still best to avoid having to burn the Alien.

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That wouldā€™ve been before this :stuck_out_tongue:

Host announcement / update to the rules:

Living players may nominate others (including dead players) to be the captain at any time. For someone to become captain, they need to half of living players rounded up voting for them, post-nomination. The captain has their voting power doubled. If a captain is elected, they will remain captain until someone else is nominated and receives the necessary votes down the line. Dead players cannot vote for the captain.

About to add this to the OP.

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/Nominate @Magnus for captain.

I think @Magnus is a very towny player, so heā€™s got my vote for now.