[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

I’m not claiming VIP class.

Since there is a “Yes Votes” tab. Should there be a “No Votes” one too?

I’m claiming a very important passenger class.

Oh well then.

The number of no votes doesn’t matter. They’re only listed for vote locking purposes. Zone can explain the nature of this mechanic better than I can.


Well… Magnus, by PoE you are highly limited as to what you can be since you did say you are a passenger and 2 of them are already claimed and pretty well established O_o


Hey, Italy.
Can you explain it to me in emotes?


You tortured me earlier and made me worry, this is payback.

Passenger is the uninformed majority?

There are Crew and Passengers.
By claiming to be a Passenger there are only 5 roles you can be and 2 of which are already claimed.

Nevermind then. Not passenger.

:ballot_box: :white_check_mark: :axe:
:ballot_box: :no_entry_sign: :lock:
:lock: :ballot_box: :hammer:

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You are a Crew member… right…?

Can confirm.
And I think Italy’s emojifest there support that.

You can vote to have someone punished by monokuma
Votes are not locked.
They are locked once votes hit hammer.


Or not.
They’re annoying.

Why angry?
I like the idea of ‘execution’ being a thing due to liking DR.

Going to sleep now, sorry if anybody wants to talk to me. Maybe fourteen hours.

:+1: :crescent_moon: